
“Oh God,” he whispered, “who am I? Who am I really?” God heard his question. And John knew it. No, no, I shouldn’t have asked for that. I don’t want to know. At least let me figure it out myself…Don’t tell me…Please don’t tell me. But God heard the question.

The Vanishings | Left Behind: The Kids #1

As the pilot came over the intercom, pleading for people to remain calm, the full realization of what had happened hit Judd. He didn’t know how many other people on the plane had any idea, but he sure did. Christ had come as he promised and raptured his church. Judd Lowered his face into his hands and shuddered. It was the worst nightmare imaginable, and he was wide awake. He, and most of the passengers on that plane, had been left behind.


The shadow moved so fast he lost it. He searched, waved his light about. It caught one fleeting image of his wife’s body swept up like a toy, arms limp, long brown hair flying.The shadow enfolded her like a blanket. There were heavy, bass-note footfalls on the bank, and then…Nothing. Read more…