
“My ways are not your ways,” he said. “But I promise that all things work together for the good of those who serve me. In the end, the faithful will find life that never ends, free of the evil that stalks your souls. That, too, is art of the promise I gave you in Eden, and as surely as I live, it will come to be.”

Little One, Maid of Israel

“Oh Joseph,” said Little One, “I have been praying you would see that. Dear Grandfather Reuben said the very same thing to me the day he died.”
Abu looked at the brother and sister. “This God of yours is something, I must say. He certainly sounds like a God worth knowing.” “He is, Abu,” said Joseph, “He really is!”

Twice Freed

Gold, flowers, gifts were falling around him. But Onesimus turned his back on them all and fled from the arena. He was gasping from loss of blood and in agony from his fracture, but this was nothing compared with the agony of his heart. What were riches and fame and glory now?

Wine of Morning

Joel’s heart beat fast. Here was the opportunity to do something worthwhile. His impulsive temperament, his love for adventure, his passionate patriotism—all these answered “Yes” to Omah’s invitation. He got up, tall for his years, vigorous muscular body fired with youthful enthusiasm. He extended his hand to Omah.“You can count Read more…