-Spoilers for previous books ahead!-

The second book in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series doesn’t disappoint. It takes some time off the high-intensity finale of book one and spends time with the characters.


Finally settled into her home at Havenfield, Sophie—now thirteen—thought she was safe. After a year of living in the world of the elves, surrounded by her friends, everything is starting to feel normal.

She even uses her telepathic powers to find a female alicorn—the rarest animal in the world.

But her kidnappers are still at large, and the Black Swan continue to leave cryptic messages. Sophie is, once, again, called upon to uncover hidden memories and save someone close to her.

The plot of Exile is less intense than Keeper, but it is no less interesting. The same mystery and intrigue laces every page. It is more of a character-focused, suspenseful story than thrills and chases.


The stars of the entire Keeper of the Lost Cities series are the characters and their relationships. You’ll find yourself caring much more about the external events because of the time used to endear you to the characters.

Keefe steals the majority of the book, delivering his standard comedic responses to everything. But, as you discover, he is much deeper than jokes and laughs. His character is deep and compelling.

Another one of my favorites from this book is Sandor, Sophie’s goblin bodyguard. He’s overprotective and cautious, but cares deeply for Sophie and her safety.

The real center of Exile is Sophie. Every book reveals more about her intriguing character. It makes you care about the outcome of events that much more. The author does a brilliant job designing and developing everyone.

Theme and Spiritual Application

There is no real theme to Exile, and no spiritual aspect. It is only meant for entertainment.

There is some mildly crude language sprinkled in, namely Keefe’s nickname for the alicorn, Glitter Butt. Sophie falls in a pile of horse manure at one point.

There is some aspect of romance between Sophie and some other characters; lots of blushing, and teasing from one in particular.


An incredible follow-up to Keeper, this book ties up loose ends but leaves even more hanging. I am amazed by the way the author plants clues in this book and the last, and they only become important much later. For example, the identity of Sophie’s Pyrokinetic kidnapper.

If you’re interested in the book, you can buy it here and visit the series website here.

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