“Suddenly, the beast spread its great wings, and its body began to convulse. The Wyrm Lord roared, gnashed its teeth, and reared up on its hind limbs. It appeared to be gathering strength – drawing on some hidden reserve of power – preparing to unleash some horrific power.”

Rise of the Wyrm Lord

The second book of The Door Within trilogy is just as good as the first. The Rise of the Wyrm Lord is full of the same action, suspense, and memorable characters and moments. 


After Aiden’s return from The Realm, he is burdened with telling his friend, Robby Pierson, about Alleble and King Eliam. For some odd reason though, he cannot contact Robby. All of his emails are going unanswered; his phone calls go to voicemail. Aiden is despairing on how to tell Robby before it’s too late. 

The answer to his problem comes in the form of Antoinette Reed, a fiery redhead with a strong personality. Aiden discovers she’s been called to The Realm.  

Meanwhile, in The Realm, war is brewing. Fables such as The Seven Sleepers and the legendary Wyrm Lord are becoming more widespread and believed. Allies of Alleble are mysteriously detesting their alliance and siding with Paragor.    

Join Antoinette as she sets off in search of answers, and tries to reach Robby’s glimpse with King Eliam’s mercy.


I’ve already touched on Antoinette above and in the series review, but she is the direct opposite of Aiden. Quick-witted and confident, she is a very interesting character.

Spiritual and Character Application

The applications here are the same as the other books, though there is a story about the first sin that caused The Schism, likely representing the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden. 

Overall Thoughts

A great sequel to The Door Within, The Rise of the Wyrm Lord gives more information about the world and leaves you hanging from a cliff.

Bookmark Score 
Plot: 10/10

Characters: 10/10
Spiritual and Character Application: 8/10
Overall: 10/10


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