There are passages and doors,
And realms that lie unseen.
There are roads both wide and narrow,
With no avenue between.
Doors remain yet closed for those
Who in sad vanity yet hide.
But when belief is chosen,
The key appears inside.
That which is will soon pass,
That which is not will come to be.
The Door Within must open,
For one to truly see.
Do you see?
Believe and enter.

The Door Within is the first book in, you guessed it, The Door Within trilogy. It begins the adventures of Aiden Thomas and lays the foundation for the rest of the series.

This whole series contains some mild violence. Here’s an example of about the worst you will find, from the next book in the series.

“Aelic looked up and saw a heavy Paragor knight standing upon the blade. His eyes flashed red as he raised his axe. 
The axe never fell. Gabby (Note: Gabby is a dragon) made sure of that. She severed the knight’s arm at the shoulder and spit it – axe and all – into the trees. The warrior howled, clutched his shoulder, and ran into the woods after his arm.”

Rise of the Wyrm Lord (note by me)

With that in consideration, I will now move on to my review.


Aiden Thomas and his family just moved to Colorado to take care of Grampin, and he’s not happy about it. His one and only friend, Robby Pierson, was left behind in Maryland. 

A few weeks after the move, strange things start to find their way to Aiden. A whooshing shadow seems to follow him, and mysterious scrolls appear in his basement. The scrolls tell of The Realm, a world of knights, dragons, and unicorns. Aiden wants to believe they are true, but how can they be? 

Join Aiden Thomas as he enters The Realm and gives his service to King Eliam. His adventure includes the typical adventure, suspense, and action-packed battles, along with a good dose of worldbuilding and creative creatures.


The main character of the series, Aiden, is very cowardly, but he learns to overcome his fears through King Eliam’s power. All the secondary characters have strong personalities too, but those are too many to list. 

Spiritual and Character Application

The Door Within contains much spiritual application. King Eliam is God, Paragor is Satan, and much more. 

Overall Thoughts

The Door Within sets up many plot lines revisited in later books, while being a great book on its own. I expressed my high opinion of these books already in the review of the whole trilogy.

Bookmark Score 
Plot: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Spiritual and Character Application: 8/10
Overall: 10/10


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